I Fell In Love With Hope Quotes (2024) | Heartfelt Quotes

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I Fell In Love With Hope Quotes

“I Fell In Love With Hope” by Lancali is a beautiful about five chronically ill children and their mental dilemma. We see them living life even though their days are numbered. The plot takes place in a hospital, where few children laugh, live, suffer, fall in love, cry, and survive. Nonetheless the book perfectly portrays the agony disease and illness causes. It gives a new definition of hope. Rather than grief and disease, it’s a book about living and enjoying. Here are 20 beautiful quotes from ‘I Fell In Love With Hope’ .

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20 I Fell In Love With Hope Quotes

Lancali. I Fell in Love with Hope: Paperback. Lancali LLC, 2022.

“We spent our whole lives together pretending, but if you pretend for too long reality reminds you one way or another that it doesn’t like being insulted.”

” He was my light. he was my sunset. Violent with color. Submerged peacefully by the dark. He lives in my memory now. Buried. Rebellious, as he was before. he emerges, sometimes, in the corner of my eye, his laughter lost in a crowd, remnants of his questions still waiting answers in the night.”

“Because when a writer gives you a gift as precious as their work, they give you their trust, their control, their heart put to paper.”

“Since we’re all inevitably doomed to die, I will be Hamlet, and you will be Yorick, and this shall be our grave.”

“When you meet someone infatuating, someone you can stare at and listen to and talk to without taking notice of time, someone you think of constantly, there comes the questions of blooming addiction. Nothing addictive is ever good for you.”

“Death is sudden. It has no taste for irony or reason. It doesn’t wait for another tick of the metronome. It doesn’t wait for goodbyes. Death is a taker, plain, direct, no tricks up its sleeve. And it will give you nothing in return but a last endless kiss for those you leave behind.”

“Teenagers aren’t as malleable as children. They have a sense of self, aspiration, dreams. Sometimes, parents feel threatened by that autonomy. They cling to the idea of their child, the idea of who they are.”

“It’s not easy to acknowledge that something is out of your control. One day, you skin turns to a rash, and your bones start to bend. your lungs give out, and your mother is no longer there. Your head hurts and in the depth of silent, lonely place it stops beating. Its’s sudden. Sometimes too sudden to accept. “

“Sick people attract and repulse. Dying is a fascinating idea and a terrifying reality.”

“Hearts are essential, though, aren’t they? Everything has a heart. Even books, broken things, and I. Mine is locked away, frozen by the night in the snow. At least, that’s what I’d like to believe. But love is not a choice.”

“She is not a recycled version of someone I once loved. She is a rhyming line in the poem of my history.”

“Hope is the name that should be at the top of the Hit List. It’s worse than our enemies. Our enemies are thieves, but they come as advertised. Hope is ignorance, a liar, an accidental creature made of fear. And it failed my first love just as it failed me.”

“Death is not a being. It’s a state of being. We humanize it, demonize it, give it a soul because it is easier to condemn something with a face. Disease is in the same boat, only it’s a lot easier to convict it. “

“The day I met him, even buried, is a memory laced with the joy of its happening and the pain of its passing. Because even if I told you I have forgotten, you can’t trust me. You don’t ever forget the first time you fell.”

“Even if the ends were wrong, the means were a spark to our fire. It was the first time we stole together. The first time we shared our humanity with a bit of sin.”

“I want to show you, even in the darkness of a hall where hearts were once healed, that we can be more than victims of almost.”

“Because you don’t lose someone once. you lose them hearing a song that reminds you of their smile. Passing an old landmark. Laughing at a joke they would’ve laughed at. You lose them infinitely.”

“Kindness and Resilience were born in the bodies of two broken boys and all they ever wished for was more time to be together. They are not a tragedy. They are a story of love and loss.”

“Memories twist into each other, not like film strips, more like a book’s flipping pages melting into one another. That’s all a person is in the end, isn’t it? Bones and blood and beauty spliced to memories.”

“Hope is the bittersweet companion of loneliness. It lives in creatures of the forever, a caring home with more curiosity than sense. It omits little white lies and steals here and there. it gets lost. Lost in those who need it. Hope tastes like a day at the sea and holds your hand with a bruising grip. It is deep and afraid and hollow and brave.”

Bonus Quotes

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i fell in love with hope quotes
i fell in love with hope quotes


These were some of the best I Fell In Love With Hope Quotes. To understand the overall narrative and theme of the book make sure to view the summary of the book. I Fell In Love With Hope covers some very delicate and significant topics like illness, death, loss, and grief. It will take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride. Make sure to check out the book.

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