Normal People Book Review | Sally Rooney (2023) | Worth Reading or not?

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Normal People Book Review

Normal People Book Review : Sometimes you have to make tough choices. Sometimes you have to forsake others’ opinions for your own happiness. Normal People by Sally Rooney is a perfect read if these abstract concepts appeal to you. If you relate to socially awkward and dejected characters, Normal People might be your cup of tea.  Here’s Normal People Book Review for you.

Normal People Book Review

Normal People By Sally Rooney: Brief Introduction

Normal People by Sally Rooney features the story of Connell and Marianne. Connell used to be the popular guy in school whereas Marianne was the oddball. They have always liked each other but their relationship always remained in the shadows. Connell’s reluctance and his fear of being judged made it complex. Now when they are in college, Marianne and Connell have switched places. Marianne now has quite some friends whereas Connell is somewhat excluded.

Even in college, they still play the cat-and-mouse game rather than being upfront. They are struggling to be ‘Normal’ and accepted. But you can’t have people’s validation and your own happiness at the same time. They both are two similar beings who find solace in each other. We see them struggle and learn throughout and eventually find their way toward each other. It’s a story about how two people who were always meant to together fight with themselves and the world. 

We see the characters play their cat and mouse game for decades. After much sufferings and life lessons they finally learn to embrace themselves. The lack of communication and acceptance hindered their relationship for a long time, until they finally learn how to overcome it.

Read Full Summary of Normal People

Basic Information

GenreFiction, Romance, Young Adult
Age Rating16+(Mild sexual content, alcohol, violence)
Book Length266 pages
ThemesSocietal Opinions, Anxiety, Class Differences, Adulthood. 
ReadabilitySimple and easy
Trigger WarningsDepression, Anxiety, Alcohol, Violence
ClimaxOpen-ending, Happy Ending

Who can read this book?

  • Young Adults
  • Romance Readers
  • College Romance Readers
  • Angst-Seekers

Normal People Book Review

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about ‘Normal People’ is well-executed characters. That is the first thing that caught my eye. Connell and Marianne are two very relatable and well-executed characters. There are multiple instances where you can deeply relate to the inner monologue of the characters.

Connell’s inability to express himself, fear of opinions, and desire to be ‘Normal’, altogether made the characters very human. The book is a must-read for people who feel alienated in their own skin. Both Marianne and Connell are oddballs trying their best to just fit in. The characters and their problems are very realistic with no sugarcoating.

The introduction phase of college was very realistic. It can be a lot of work to fit in the upper circle for a small-town person. The class difference was highlighted many times, which too made the book highly relatable. Sally Rooney perfectly brings out how we become a creation of others’ opinions in order just to fit in. This simple story actually raises so many deep issues.

The character of Connell perfectly represents how forsaking your own happiness over others’ opinions can be seriously damaging. Connell suffers from anxiety attacks, depressions whereas Marianne turns gangly after starving herself. Seeing the two protagonist being a victim of societal pressure is depressing and eye-opening at the same time.

Things I loved about the book

  • The whole concept of people trying to be just ‘Normal’. 
  • Realistic characters with real struggles especially with Connell. Connell’s mental dilemma while dating Helen. He’s trying so hard just to fit in was kind of sad but appealing. 
  • The reality of most adult friendships. The true struggle of entering adulthood life. 
  • Connell’s relationship with his mother. Humane and relatable characters. 

Things I did not like

  • Connell always held a certain power over Marianne which was noticeable since the beginning. Marianne always catered to Connell’s needs and never held anything against him seriously, making her seem like a very weak woman.
  • The character of Marianne being too weak and letting herself be used was a bit off-putting. A little bit strong female lead would have been more appealing, especially after overcoming her ‘oddball’ phase in school. 
  • The book felt a little too dragged. The miscommunication was understandable in their high-school phase but their not talking straightforwardly made it quite troublesome.
  • They both had their struggles but not acting like an adult and playing the cat-and-mouse game for seven years was quite not appealing. 


This was normal people book review. In conclusion it can be said that Normal People is no doubt a must-read. It gives useful insights into many cruel realities. The simplicities and complexities of entering adulthood are very beautifully captured. For everyone who feels out of place or abnormal in this world, this book can be your perfect pick. It’s a relatable book with even more relatable characters. It covers important yet unnoticed realities like class differences, anxiety, and adulthood in a compelling way. 

Normal People Book Review

Normal People should definitely be on your reading list. 

Normal People Book Quotes

Some quotes from the book.

  • “…Cruelty does not only hurt the victim, but the perpetrator also, and maybe more deeply and more permanently.”
  • “If people appeared to behave pointlessly in grief, it was only because human life was pointless, and this was the truth that grief revealed.”
  • “Marianne has the sense that her real life was happening somewhere very far away, happening without her, and she didn’t know if she would ever find out where it was and become part of it.”
  • “She attuned to the presence of his body in a microscopic way, as if the ordinary motion of his breathing was powerful enough to make her ill.”
  • “He knew then that the secret for which he had sacrificed his own happiness and the happiness of another person had been trivial all along, and worthless.”

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