The Song Of Achilles Summary & Quotes |Madeline Miller

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The Song Of Achilles : Brief Introduction

Whether you’re a Greek geek or Mr. couldn’t care-less-about-them, The Song Of Achilles will crumble your disinterest and mold it into affinity. Greek mythology can be subjective in its liking, but Achilles and Patroclus’s story is definitely beautiful and gripping. Here’s The Song Of Achilles Summary for you.

the song of achilles summary

Key Points

  • The theme of ‘The Song Of Achilles’ is Greek Mythology and Ancient Greece with references to The Trojan War.
  • ‘The Song Of Achilles’ is an LGBTQ+ Book with gay and bisexual characters.
  • The age rating of ‘The Song Of Achilles’ is 14+ due to mild sexual scenes but nothing too explicit or descriptive.
  • The readability of the book is easy with poetic, lyrical and simple writing.
  • The Song Of Achilles has a tragic ending.

Who can read this book?

  • The book is perfect for history geeks because it covers many aspects of Greek Mythology but the main narrative is about the love story of Achilles & Patroclus.
  • Even if you’re not familiar with Greek Mythology, it is fairly understandable due to the in-text briefing.
  • If you prefer a tragic, sad and heartbreaking book, ‘The Song Of Achilles’ is a good choice.
  • If you like cute and wholesome romance stories this one is for you.

The Song Of Achilles Summary

The story takes place in the Greek ancient world where Gods and Mortals coexisted together. Achilles; a demi-god, son of the King of Phthia, and the sea nymph Thetis, is a golden boy, with a consuming presence, polished skin, and versatile perfections. Patroclus; an awkward, scrawny prince hated by his father. Not strong, Not Fast, Nothing extraordinary; just a lanky shy boy.

Patroclus’s life gets even more tangled up when he accidentally kills Clysonymus; the son of a nobleman and is exiled from the nation.

Achilles’s father; Peleus was fond of giving shelter to the exiled or orphaned and takes Patroclus under his wings. His life in Phthia continued to be the same; from morning training to lone afternoons to dinner on Oakwood benches where he always saw Achilles.

Until Achilles put forward a hand of friendship and asks his father to make Patroclus his companion or Therapon. Gradually they become acquainted, train together, tell each other stories before sleeping, swim, and climb trees. They become an inseparable much to Thetis’s dismay who warns and threatens Patroclus.

Soon they turn thirteen. One summer day, as they both are lying by the beach they kiss, which does not go unnoticed by Thetis. An infuriated Thetis orders Achilles’s to go to Mt. Pelion to train under Chiron. Patroclus is successful in tracking them down and follows along.

Chiron convinces Thetis to let Patroclus stay. After that, the years move on, with both of them training, hunting, swimming, camping, and exploring the forests. Patroclus learns medicine and Achilles becomes an even more skilled warrior. One day after meeting his mother, Achilles informs Patroclus about Thetis’s inability to watch them on Mt. Pelion. With their new, unforeseen freedom, they finally give in to their sexual desires.

Their happy bubble is broken when Achilles is called by his father and informed of his duty to fight in the upcoming war(The Trojan War). A prophecy made years ago stated that this war will bring Achilles unparalleled glory but also cause his death. Scared of losing his son, Thetis hides him.

Patroclus is able to hunt him down and Achilles’s cover is blown away. After trying every possible method, eventually, Achilles is compelled to join the war. A lot happens during the ten-year war, Achilles’s speed and fighting skills gain popularity, and Patroclus becomes friends with one of the war slaves and starts helping the injured one.

The Song Of Achilles Ending Explained

After a major disagreement with Agamemnon, Achilles refuses to fight. The Greek forces start to ascend towards their doom. A settlement is offered but he still refuses to fight, clinging to his vain pride. Patroclus begs him to save others otherwise even after winning the war, he would be hated. But Achilles doesn’t budge, so Patroclus takes matters into his hand.

He dresses in Achilles’ armor and sets out to fight. Achilles agrees to his idea only on the condition that he won’t step out of the chariot. In the heat of the war, Patroclus makes the mistake of fighting and is killed. On seeing his lover dead, Achilles’s grief is greater than the whole sky. He clung to the dead body, and lays with Patroclus’s body for days, mourning.

When he goes out to seek vengeance, even the Gods are scared. He has lost all sense of care, fighting barbarically. He drags Hector’s dead body bound to his chariot for three days. Eventually, he is killed. He had wished the burial of his and Patroclus’s ashes together. A tomb is built in his honour, and later Patroclus’s name is engraved beside his.

 Somewhere in the afterlife, Achilles’s soul meets Patroclus’s, and as their hands join, Golden light spreads like morning mist. 

The Song Of Achilles Review

The Song Of Achilles can be considered a very well-executed book. Greek Mythology never was a subject of fascination to me, but ‘The Song Of Achilles’ made it interesting. It was truly astonishing how deeply in love Achilles and Patroclus were. From childhood acquittances to the love of each others life, the journey was brimming with innocence, love and beauty. Achille’s pain and guilt after Patroclus’s death is narrated so perfectly that you can feel his agony.

The book is a whole journey in itself, it will take you from the Phthian grounds to the caves on Mt. Pelion to the Trojan battleground. It is a wonderful experience to get acquittanced with Greek Mythology and feel the depth of a pure bond between Achilles & Patroclus.

The Song Of Achilles Summary

the Song Of Achilles Quotes

the song of achilles summary
the song of achilles quotes
the song of achilles quotes
the song of achilles quotes
the song of achilles quotes
the song of achilles quotes


  • Is The Song of Achilles a love story?

Ans. Yes, The Song Of Achilles is a love story between Achilles and Patroclus.

  • What is so sad about The Song of Achilles?

Ans. The Song Of Achilles is a truly sad story because of it’s elements of grief, death, and loss of a lover.

  • Who does Achilles marry in Song of Achilles?

Ans. Achilles marries Princess Deidameia; Daughter of King Lycomedes.

  • Is The Song Of Achilles spicy?

Ans. There are elements of spice in the book but not too explicit or vivid. The Song Of Achilles is more poetic and intimate than spicy.

  • Is Song of Achilles a sad book?

Ans.Yes, The book is considered a sad book due to character deaths, loss, and grief.

  • Can a 14 year old read Song of Achilles?

Ans.Yes, The book doesn’t contain explicit scenes or graphic description so it’s suitable for a 14 year old.

  • What is the main message of The Song of Achilles?

Ans.The main message of The Song Of Achilles is the power of love and the consequence of vain pride.

  • Who did Achilles get pregnant in Song of Achilles?

Ans. Achilles impregnates Princess Deidameia; Daughter of King Lycomedes.

  • Was Patroclus handsome?

Ans. No, Patroclus wasn’t described as patricularly handsome in the book.


In conclusion, The Song Of Achilles is among one of the best contemporary romance novels. It is even suitable for people who aren’t familiar with Greek Mythology. It has elements of cute romance, mythology, grief, loss, and war. The last few pages will definietly make you cry. Madeline has done an amazing job. This was The Song Of Achilles Summary, make sure to add it to your reading list.